
About LAVC

Founded in 1949, Los Angeles 山谷学院是 a public two-year college that offers 职业和学术途径 that prepare students for admissions to a 4-year college or university, 在2年或更短的时间内从事热门职业.

校园服务于圣费尔南多谷的东部地区, 包括谷谷社区, Van Nuys, 北好莱坞, 城市全景, Pacoima, 谢尔曼橡树, 峪村, Studio City, Encino, Tarzana, Burbank, and beyond.

山谷学院是 完全认可 by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) of the Western Associate of Schools and Colleges (WASC).


山谷学院是 known for its high-quality educational programs and outstanding faculty, a welcoming campus environment with unique resources and robust student support, 以及它在社区中的优秀合作伙伴关系. It is Hispanic-serving机构是美国最大的校园之一 洛杉矶社区学院区(LACCD).

坐落在圣费尔南多山谷的中心, LAVC距离好莱坞只有几分钟的路程, 贝弗利山, 和洛杉矶市中心, 圣莫尼卡的海滩, and Malibu, 以及主要的电影和电视工作室. 美丽的105英亩的公园式校园是 加州第一所社区大学成为美国树校.




皇冠官网网站成立于9月12日, 1949 to meet the tremendous growth of the San Fernando Valley during the 1940’s and early 1950’s. The college was officially chartered by the Los Angeles Board of Education in June 1949, 位于范奈斯高中的校园里.

On Opening Day, Valley College had 439 students, which comprised of 254 men and 185 women. The pioneer class was taught by 23 faculty members in five bungalows that served as the original campus. 大学图书馆只有150册藏书. 山谷学院的第一任院长是维尔林·克尔西.

In 1950, the college opened its evening division offering only 12 classes.



随着圣费尔南多谷的发展,学院也在发展. In 1950, the college opened its evening division offering only 12 classes. Valley College moved to its permanent 105-acre site on Fulton Avenue in Valley Glen in 1951.

The student body was housed in 33 temporary bungalow structures, 1951年至1956年间,哪座增加到45座平房.

到1952年,秋季入学人数超过2300人. 在接下来的两年内, it developed a fully functioning counseling and community service programs, 以及优秀的转学和职业课程.

In 1954, members of the faculty founded the Athenaeum which began to offer community programs that brought the Los Angeles Philharmonic to the campus. The campus also had internationally known speakers including Eleanor Roosevelt, 克莱门特tlee, 玛格丽特·米德, 和路易斯·利基.

Female and male student in 1959 crossing out the word Junior in the Valley Junior College sign



The year 1959 marked the completion of Phase I of the Master Building Plan. 在这个阶段, 以下建筑为工程建筑, Chemistry, Physics, 外语, 政府, 和图书馆.

In 1961, 第二期已完成, 其中包括音乐, 戏剧艺术, 生命科学, 和自助餐厅. 第三期工程于1963年完成. This phase included the Business-Journalism, Math-Science, Art, and Planetarium buildings. Phase IV would not be completed until the 1970's and included the Gymnasiums, 行为科学, Humanities, 和校园中心大楼.

1969年, 洛杉矶社区学院区 was formed and its nine colleges were separated from the Los Angeles Unified School District. The first independent Board of Trustees was also elected that same year.

1974年,在学院成立25周年之际 山谷学院历史博物馆 was founded. The museum is the only museum totally dedicated to the history of the San Fernando Valley. LAVC celebrated its 50th birthday in 1999 with a variety of events for students, faculty, 教职员及校友.

机会. Guidance. Success.

今天,在的领导下 总统博士. 巴里Gribbons山谷学院 20000多名学生 and is committed to guiding and supporting students so they achieve their academic goals.

The 皇冠最新网址承诺计划 offers first-time college students with up to 2-years of free tuition, 学术支持, 还有更多.

The new 山谷快速通道计划 helps busy adults to complete general education transfer courses in about 2 years.


LAVC是一个以学生为中心的校园社区. 它还提供 学生支持计划 帮助布莱克, LGBTQIA, Latinx, 退伍军人无证, 学生的父母, and/or other historically disadvantaged groups be successful in college.  



LAVC提供 职业和学术途径 与课程提供面对面,在线和网络增强格式.

In-demand 职业项目 包括工商管理, 儿童发展, 计算机科学, Media Arts, Nursing, 呼吸疗法. In addition, LAVC is the only community college in the San Fernando Valley that offers 工作或实习经历的大学学分.

我们的学生已经成功转入加州大学洛杉矶分校, USC, 加州大学伯克利分校, 加州大学圣巴巴拉分校, 加州州立大学洛杉矶分校, 加州北岭, 私立和公立大学.

最值得注意的是,学生 LAVC的TAP/荣誉项目 have a better academic performance at UCLA than non-TAP transfers and native UCLA students.


Valley College serves as a hub for cultural, community and athletic events. 这里是山谷交响乐团的所在地, 洛杉矶山谷学院历史博物馆, the LAVC艺术馆. 它还定期举办各种 音乐会和戏剧,以及社区活动.

The LAVC运动 球队拥有许多州和地区冠军. 他们是西部州会议的一部分, 加州社区大学体育协会, 南加州足球协会, and the California Community College Baseball Coaches Association.


The campus has outstanding recreational facilities include two gymnasiums, 网球场, 游泳池面积, 体操中心, rock wall, 还有健身中心. 山谷学院也是君主体育场的所在地, 那里有加州唯一一条10车道的蒙多赛道.

The campus pool and stadium track are accessible to the public during scheduled times through our 社区服务 program.



该校园目前正在进行7.04亿美元的建设 扩建改造项目 由洛杉矶选民支持的债券资助. 2001年的A提案, 2003年的AA提案, 2008年的措施J, 在2022年测量洛杉矶山谷学院 transformed the campus to meet the needs of today's students.

The improvements to existing buildings and the construction of new buildings will serve LAVC students for years to come. All new campus structures are being built as LEED-certified (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) buildings.

In 2006, the campus opened its first new building in over 30 years with its LEED-certified Maintenance and Operations/Sheriff’s Station. It also opened the award-winning Allied Health and Sciences Center, which was the first bond-constructed classroom lab building in the District.

Other newly opened buildings include a 学生服务 Complex, 儿童发展和家庭综合体, 贝尔和哈里·克鲁普尼克媒体艺术中心, 图书馆和学术资源中心, 社区服务中心, 运动训练设施, 政府 & 职业发展(社区劳动力发展建设), 学生会, 还有一个停车场.


The college is continuing to grow in the coming years with the addition of the Valley Academic & Cultural Center (performing/media arts), Academic Complex 1 and Academic Building 2. The building and renovation projects will keep Valley College in the forefront of the San Fernando Valley community colleges. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 振兴山谷学院.


Tarahat Ahiiv 

早在西班牙语出现之前, Mexican, 英美的定居者, 以及穆赫兰的街道名称, Sepulveda, 和范奈斯, Fernandeño塔塔维亚姆印第安人传教团, 圣费尔南多谷的印第安人, hunted, farmed, gathered, 在奥瑞特河畔繁荣昌盛, the river that runs along present-day Los Angeles Valley College.

By recognizing and honoring the land on which our campus is situated, 坐落在村庄之间 Siutcanga (恩), Tujunga (Tujunga), 我们承认我们的先辈, Fernandeño Tataviam, who thrived for thousands of years before the coming of settlers and are still here today.

我们感谢Fernandeño Tataviam, 他们东部的加布里埃诺-通瓦邻居, 以及他们的Ventureño-Chumash西部邻居.

This Land Acknowledgement represents the effort of our campus to build community and future collaborations with our local Indigenous population as guests on their land. 通过这种承认, we commit to its use in formal events to help educate students and the greater community about the history of the land and region.
